Ice Dreams
Executive Summary
Ice Dreams will sell shave ice as its primary product in addition to soft drinks and frosty Latin drinks called licuados. Shave ice is the hottest new dessert since frozen yogurt! Shave ice is heating up rapidly and shows no sign of cooling.
Shave ice has been around for many years, beginning in Asia, then becoming popular in Hawaii. People would shave ice by hand, creating a cold, flaky snow. Then they’d top it with fruit juices to create a refreshing treat. Something this good couldn’t remain a secret. In recent years, the taste for shave ice has spread all over the world.
Shave ice is much different than a sno-cone in that it is made by a small counter-top machine that shaves ice rather than grinding it like a sno-cone machine, which results in ice so fine that it rivals real snow! The snow is then placed in bowl or cup and filled with high quality tropical fruit flavors. Because the snow is so soft the syrup is held within its tender texture versus settling to the bottom like traditional sno-cones. Since the syrup is absorbed into the snow, it must be eaten with a spoon instead of a straw.
Because shave ice is so tender and made with the thickest, best-tasting tropical fruit flavors, it is preferred by adults and children of all ages and ethnic backgrounds.
A drive-through business will be built on privately-owned commercial property on Highway 86 (Adams Avenue) in El Centro, California. Other products which will be incorporated into the business including beverages (soft drinks and licuados).
1.1 Objectives
- To construct a drive-through building (12′ x 20′) on existing privately-owned commercial property (50′ x 120′).
- To produce a net profit of at least $50,000 by the third year of operation.
- To sell 20 different tropical and Mexican flavored syrups.
- To sell other products such as soft drinks and licuados.

1.2 Mission
Ice Dreams will produce and sell shave ice with 20 different flavored syrups, soft drinks, and licuados to consumers in El Centro, California. Retail customers will be in the low- to mid-income bracket, and will range in age from children to adults.
1.3 Keys to Success
The keys to success are:
- Will be the first business of its kind in the city of El Centro, California.
- Business will be located on a major city highway, next to several housing developments, the city pool, near schools and parks, and along a major restaurant and motel strip.
- Product quality will include a large variety of tropical and Mexican flavored syrups.
- Business has the potential for expansion into other Imperial County communities.
- City of El Centro experiences warm to hot weather approximately seven months of the year.
- Two-way traffic on Highway 86 averages 48,300 vehicles on a daily basis.
Company Summary
Ice Dreams will be known for selling shave ice with 20 different tropical and Mexican flavored syrups to children and adults in El Centro, California. Other products will include soft drinks and licuados.
2.1 Company Ownership
Ice Dreams will be owned by Ofelia R. Arellano as a sole proprietorship.
2.2 Start-up Summary
Start-up costs will be approximately $52,010 which will include facility construction including sidewalks, parking, inventory, mandatory city permits, and other expenses associated with opening this business. The start-up costs will be financed through a loan. Appendix A provides more detailed information regarding permit requirements, equipment, construction costs, and land improvements required to open this new business.

Start-up Funding | |
Start-up Expenses to Fund | $36,010 |
Start-up Assets to Fund | $16,000 |
Total Funding Required | $52,010 |
Assets | |
Non-cash Assets from Start-up | $6,000 |
Cash Requirements from Start-up | $10,000 |
Additional Cash Raised | $0 |
Cash Balance on Starting Date | $10,000 |
Total Assets | $16,000 |
Liabilities and Capital | |
Liabilities | |
Current Borrowing | $42,010 |
Long-term Liabilities | $0 |
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) | $0 |
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) | $0 |
Total Liabilities | $42,010 |
Capital | |
Planned Investment | |
Owner | $10,000 |
Investor | $0 |
Additional Investment Requirement | $0 |
Total Planned Investment | $10,000 |
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) | ($36,010) |
Total Capital | ($26,010) |
Total Capital and Liabilities | $16,000 |
Total Funding | $52,010 |
Start-up | |
Requirements | |
Start-up Expenses | |
Consultants | $100 |
Insurance | $1,200 |
Other | $34,710 |
Total Start-up Expenses | $36,010 |
Start-up Assets | |
Cash Required | $10,000 |
Start-up Inventory | $1,325 |
Other Current Assets | $675 |
Long-term Assets | $4,000 |
Total Assets | $16,000 |
Total Requirements | $52,010 |
2.3 Company Locations and Facilities
Ice Dreams will be located on Highway 86 in El Centro, California which experiences a high volume of traffic on a daily basis. According to a study by Cal Trans (Traffic Volumes, 1995), approximately 48,300 vehicles pass through this location on a daily basis making it an ideal location for business. The majority of traffic enters and exits via Imperial Avenue and Fourth Avenue traveling through Highway 86.
A 240 square foot drive-through facility will be built on a privately-owned commercial property which will also include parking facilities, landscaping, and a small sitting area. Other major businesses located on Highway 86 include Carl’s Jr., Roberto’s Restaurant, La Fonda Restaurant, Raging Bull Restaurant, China Restaurant, Donut Shop, Steak House, Big John gas station, Recreation Center, and several motels.
The appendix provide additional information on the company facilities, a tentative plot plan, and highlights of the traffic study conducted by Cal Trans.
Main products to be sold through the Ice Dreams business will be shave ice topped with tropical and Mexican flavored syrups in three main sizes: small, medium, and large. Other products will include three soft drinks (Sprite, Coke, and Diet-Coke), and licuados.
3.1 Product Description
One major product will be sold through Ice Dreams which will include shave ice topped with tropical and Mexican flavored syrups. Twenty different tropical and Mexican flavored syrups will be sold and include the following:
Wild Watermelon, Pina Colada, Pink Lemonade, Guava Grape, Cherry Jubilee, Root Beer, Kiwi, Strawberry, Blue Bubble Gum, Orange Mango, Raspberry Red, Luscious Lime, Bodacious Banana, Tamarindo, Jamaica, Hortacha, Melon, Papaya, Manzana, and Limon.
Other products will include soft-drinks in three flavors: Coke, Diet-Coke, and Sprite, and licuados in three flavors (strawberry, banana and mango).
3.2 Competitive Comparison
No other business in El Centro specifically caters to the shaved ice market on a large scale. It is anticipated that prices will be competitive with other businesses who sell shave ice on a smaller basis.
3.3 Sales Literature
Sales literature to be distributed to the general community will include fliers, advertisement in the local newspaper (Imperial Valley Press), and other print media.
3.4 Sourcing
Ice Dreams will purchase products from Crystal Fresh, Inc. which manufactures and distributes high-quality syrups and ice shavers. All equipment and supplies are available through a regional distributor. Mexican flavored syrups will be purchased in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.
3.5 Future Products
It is anticipated that 10-15 additional syrups will be added such as Spearmint, Black Cherry, Cinnamon, Blueberry, Peach, Red Apple, Tutti Frutti, Coconut, Cola, Green Apple, Tangerine, and Vanilla. Also, future products to be sold will include ice cream in vanilla and chocolate flavors.
Market Analysis Summary
El Centro is geographically situated at the junction of major east-west and north-south transportation routes. El Centro is also referred to as the “center of opportunity” with benefits created by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) becoming one of Southern California’s most promising new commercial/industrial areas.
El Centro is accessible via Interstate 8, State Highway 111, and State Highway 86, where Ice Dreams will be located.
Shave ice is an ideal business for El Centro given both the potential market segment, location, and climate. Utilizing averaged priced units ($1.25) for shave ice and other products to be sold, the shave ice business has the potential market of $104,446 gross sales by the third year of operation.
4.1 Market Segmentation
According to Advertising Age (September, 1995), premium ice cream and frozen yogurt products are losing market share to mid-priced and other frozen dessert products. Information Resources reported that frozen ice products comprised a third of the $2.4 billion ice cream category for the year ending May 21, 1995, generating $717.7 million, up 9.3% from the previous year.
Based on this information, it is anticipated that the frozen dessert market can be divided into two customer segments. The first segment prefers premium ice cream and frozen yogurt products. The other segment obviously includes those that prefer frozen ice products. Shave ice products are ideal for today’s health-conscious consumers. They boast no fat, no cholesterol, and are relatively low in calories.
Ice Dreams will target all segments of El Centro’s population: children, teenagers, and adults. The Hispanic population will be of special interest since it comprises 65% of El Centro’s total population. This population will be targeted with Mexican flavored syrups and licuados.
4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy
Ice Dreams will target the low- to mid-income consumers who want to have a high quality dessert for moderate prices. Ice Dream’s shave ice meets the quality required by these customers since it will also cater to the large Latino population in El Centro with its Mexican flavored syrups.
4.3 Industry Analysis
One of the best known shave ice businesses is Sno Biz Shave Ice under the parent company of Crystal Fresh, Inc. Dealerships such as Sno Biz have demonstrated the success and feasibility of selling shave ice. The Sno Biz dealership has been in existence for the last 11 years with over 3,000 individual dealerships throughout the United States. Sno Biz syrups products are also sold in Wal Marts throughout the country. While no Sno Biz dealership currently exists in California, Sno Biz products are sold at the San Diego Zoo, Lion Country Safari, and the San Diego Military base with great success. The potential success for selling shave ice is attributed to the following:
- Compared to other food service products, Ice Dreams will be a relatively simple business to operate.
- Shave ice is similar to a Mexican favorite called raspado, but because it is softer and tastier, it is preferred over raspados.
- Shave ice has a low food cost and is easy to prepare, which keeps speed-of-service at optimum levels to keep up with high-traffic volumes.
- Ice Dreams will be easy to maintain and clean.
- Shave ice is a product that has yielded a considerable profit in terms of cost to produce at $0.16.
- Shave ice is an ideal product for the health-conscious consumer.
Market research conducted in El Centro did surface one raspado (sno-cone) business on a small scale called “Snow Shack” located on State Street. Snow Shack consists of a small trailer that accommodates only one employee. Sno-cones are sold in cups at prices ranging from $1.00 (small), $1.25 (medium) to $1.50 (large).
Sno-cones were also found to be sold at Garcia’s Food Market and Wal Mart. Each sold sno-cones in one regular size at $1.00 each.
Research conducted in Bullhead City, Arizona noted that the Sno Biz dealership only sells shave ice as their primary product. Shave ice units sold for $1.25 (small), $1.75 (medium) to $2.25 (large) per unit. In interviewing the current owner, he indicated that during his first year in business he was selling 200 units per day.
Research in San Diego, California revealed that shave ice is sold along with other products. Several businesses in Mission Bay sold shave ice with prices ranging from $1.79 (small), $1.99 (medium) and $2.39 (large). In terms of licuados, prices were $2.79 (regular) and $3.15 (large).
Research conducted in Honolulu, Hawaii, showed that in some locations, shave ice sold as high as $5.00 for a regular size. However, the majority of sno-cones were sold by the flavor and not necessarily by the size. For example, one flavor was $1.79, two flavors were $2.29, and three flavors sold for $2.79.
4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns
The shave ice business will be new to El Centro. Competitors in this type of business primarily sell raspados or sno-cones and do not focus on the shave ice market. One major competitor is the “Snow Shack” located on State Street. Snow Shack sells sno-cones through a small, one person trailer with limited choices of syrups. Other competitors sell sno-cones through Garcia’s Market and the Wal-Mart store which also have limited syrup selections and do not necessarily focus on the sno-cone or shave ice industry as their primary product.
The keys to success will definitely focus on selling shave ice and not sno-cones made with coarse ice and selling high quality syrups. Prices will also be competitive with those of the competition.
4.3.2 Main Competitors
Main competitors include the Snow Shack, Garcia’s Market, and Wal-Mart. The following are strengths and weaknesses of each.
- Snow Shack
- Strengths: The main strength of Snow Shack is that it is the only business in El Centro that caters to the sno-cone market. It also has very reasonable prices.
- Weaknesses: The primary weakness of Snow Shack is that it does not sell shave ice but rather sno-cones made from very coarse ice. Syrups are also not of good quality.
- Garcia’s Market
- Strengths: The main strength of sno-cones sold by Garcia’s Market is their low price of $1.00 and the convenience to the shopper in buying sno-cones while doing their shopping.
- Weaknesses: The main weakness of sno-cones sold by Garcia’s Market is that they do not sell quality syrups and prefer to sell the more inexpensive brand with lower quality taste.
- Wal-Mart
- Strengths: Main strength of sno-cones sold by Wal-Mart is the convenience to the shopper and low price.
- Weaknesses: Wal-Mart’s weakness, like Garcia’s Market, is that they do not sell quality syrups. Also, the sno-cone business is not their primary focus or product.
4.3.3 Industry Participants
The shaved ice industry in El Centro, California currently has no key players since no other business of this type currently exists in the Imperial Valley.
Strategy and Implementation Summary
Ice Dreams is planning for slow growth by expanding flavors available from 20 to 30 in year two of operation. Also, an additional product to be sold in year two will include ice cream in flavors of vanilla and chocolate.
5.1 Marketing Strategy
Ice Dream’s overall marketing strategy will be to create an image of offering the highest quality shave ice in Imperial County. The business will be located in a high traffic area of El Centro. Customers will be reached through advertisements such as fliers, newspaper ads, and through its grand opening ceremonies.
A special marketing program will also be incorporated by offering special coupon prices for nearby restaurants, motels, city pool, the donut shop, and the gas station to customers who purchase any product at Ice Dreams.
5.1.1 Promotion Strategy
Ice Dreams will promote shave ice to customers by:
- Flier distribution to consumers’ homes within a five-mile radius.
- Newspaper advertisements will be purchased during the first three months of business until a clientele is built.
- Ice Dreams will offer discounts to recreational groups such as children/adult baseball and football teams who play in nearby facilities.
- Promoting products for an introductory price at its Grand Opening.
- Ice Dreams will “adopt a school” and provide shave ice to individuals who are selected for having excellent attendance, good grades, and good citizenship. Other incentives will include sponsoring a good attendance program by purchasing a bike and raffling it to students with the best attendance. This will be a promotional strategy to encourage business.
5.1.2 Distribution Strategy
Major marketing will be conducted through newspaper advertisements and local flier distribution during the first three months of operation. Total costs will be approximately $500.
5.1.3 Positioning Statement
Distribution of shave ice will be through the business facility only. It is anticipated that in the future, a small portable ice shaver will be purchased such that the product could be sold on site at various fund raising functions through churches, schools, etc.
5.1.4 Pricing Strategy
Shave ice will be offered at the following prices:
- Small $1.00
- Medium $1.25
- Large $1.50
Soft Drinks
- Regular $0.79
- Large $0.99
- Regular $1.35
Products will be sold on a cash basis only.
5.2 Sales Strategy
Sales strategy will be directly linked to marketing programs since all sales will be through the business facility only.
5.2.1 Sales Forecast
Consumer sales will start in January, 1997 (or sooner if construction is completed before the targeted date) with a grand opening anticipated by then. Sales and units costs for the first six months of 1997 are shown in the sales forecast as projected numbers. As indicated, primary sales will occur during the peak warm weather months as noted in the following chart and table.

Sales Forecast | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Sales | |||
Sales | $52,217 | $77,383 | $104,446 |
Other | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Sales | $52,217 | $77,383 | $104,446 |
Direct Cost of Sales | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Cost of Sales | $12,114 | $17,772 | $24,227 |
Other | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales | $12,114 | $17,772 | $24,227 |
5.3 Milestones
Sample Milestones topic text.
The milestones table and chart show the specific detail about actual program activities that should be taking place during the year. Each one has its manager, starting date, ending date, and budget. During the year we will be keeping track of implementation against plan, with reports on the timely completion of these activities as planned.

Milestones | |||||
Milestone | Start Date | End Date | Budget | Manager | Department |
Sample Milestones | 1/4/2008 | 1/4/2008 | $0 | ABC | Department |
Finish Business Plan | 5/7/2009 | 6/6/2009 | $100 | Dude | LeGrande Fromage |
Acquire Financing | 5/17/2009 | 7/6/2009 | $200 | Dudette | Legumers |
Ah HA! Event | 5/27/2009 | 6/1/2009 | $60 | Marianne | Bosses |
Oooooh Noooooo! Event | 6/26/2009 | 7/1/2009 | $250 | Marionette | Chèvre deBlâme |
Grande Opening | 7/6/2009 | 7/11/2009 | $500 | Gloworm | Nobs |
Marketing Program Starts | 6/6/2009 | 7/1/2009 | $1,000 | Glower | Marketeers |
Plan vs. Actual Review | 11/1/2009 | 11/8/2009 | $0 | Galore | Alles |
First Break-even Month | 3/5/2010 | 4/4/2010 | $0 | Bouys | Salers |
Hire Employees | 2/1/2010 | 3/3/2010 | $150 | Gulls | HRM |
Upgrade Business Plan Pro | 4/22/2010 | 4/24/2010 | $100 | Brass | Bossies |
Totals | $2,360 |
Management Summary
Ice Dreams will hire an employee to assist with the business. Ice Dreams will require minimum daily supervision after it has been established since all three products are fairly easy to make.
6.1 Organizational Structure
Ofelia R. Arellano, the owner, will have one individual assisting her with the business. Long range plans will include a second employee to assist with the weekend hours.
6.2 Management Team
Ofelia R. Arellano is the most important member of the management team. Dr. Arellano is a graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbara with several advanced degrees (Masters and Doctorate in Psychology). She has spent the last six years working as an administrator overseeing a budget of approximately $800,000. Ofelia will oversee the business primarily during the weekend hours and Frank Arellano will oversee the business during weekdays along with one employee.
Business expertise include:
Budget Control
- History Based Budgeting
- Object-Code Budgeting
- Program Budgeting
- Planned Programming Budgeting Systems
Personnel Management
- Management by Goals and Objectives
Strategic Planning
- Long-Range Planning
- Total Quality Management
- Operational Planning
Public Relations
- Advertising for Educational Purposes
- Marketing Research
- Consulting
Community Leadership
- Advisory Boards
- Business and Educational Partnerships
City Planning and Development
- Board of Director, San Ysidro Planning and Development Group
Business Needs Assessment and Consultation
- Board of Directors, San Ysidro Chamber of Commerce
Frank Arellano will serve as a consultant on a volunteer basis. Mr. Arellano spent over 35 years in the retail business handling marketing and inventory for a major food chain. He is familiar with all aspects of business management and operations having owned and operated his own grocery store in El Centro. Mr. Arellano will also assist in the building design, landscaping layout and business marketing. Mr. Arellano will supervise the business during the week days which means managing one employee.
6.3 Personnel Plan
Monthly personnel cost estimates are included in the following table.
Personnel Plan | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Assistant | $10,800 | $11,232 | $11,681 |
Owner | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total People | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Total Payroll | $10,800 | $11,232 | $11,681 |
Financial Plan
- We want to finance growth mainly through cash flow. We recognized that this means we will have to grow slowly.
- The most important indicator in our case is that minimal inventory will have to be stored for these products.
7.1 Important Assumptions
Monthly sales are the largest indicator for this business. There are some seasonal variations with the months of March through September being the highest sales months.
General Assumptions | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Plan Month | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Current Interest Rate | 10.00% | 10.00% | 10.00% |
Long-term Interest Rate | 10.00% | 10.00% | 10.00% |
Tax Rate | 30.00% | 30.00% | 30.00% |
Other | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7.2 Key Financial Indicators
The following Benchmark chart shows our key financial indicators.

7.3 Break-even Analysis
The following table and chart show the current break-even analysis.

Break-even Analysis | |
Monthly Revenue Break-even | $1,685 |
Assumptions: | |
Average Percent Variable Cost | 23% |
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost | $1,294 |
7.4 Projected Profit and Loss
We expect significant profits in all three years.

Pro Forma Profit and Loss | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Sales | $52,217 | $77,383 | $104,446 |
Direct Cost of Sales | $12,114 | $17,772 | $24,227 |
Other Costs of Sales | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Cost of Sales | $12,114 | $17,772 | $24,227 |
Gross Margin | $40,103 | $59,611 | $80,219 |
Gross Margin % | 76.80% | 77.03% | 76.80% |
Expenses | |||
Payroll | $10,800 | $11,232 | $11,681 |
Marketing/Promotion | $1,410 | $1,466 | $1,525 |
Depreciation | $400 | $400 | $400 |
Utilities | $1,720 | $1,789 | $1,861 |
Insurance | $1,200 | $1,248 | $1,298 |
Payroll Taxes | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Operating Expenses | $15,530 | $16,135 | $16,765 |
Profit Before Interest and Taxes | $24,573 | $43,476 | $63,454 |
EBITDA | $24,973 | $43,876 | $63,854 |
Interest Expense | $3,632 | $2,626 | $1,576 |
Taxes Incurred | $6,282 | $12,255 | $18,563 |
Net Profit | $14,659 | $28,595 | $43,315 |
Net Profit/Sales | 28.07% | 36.95% | 41.47% |
7.5 Projected Cash Flow
Projected cash flow is estimated for the next three years as shown in the table below.

Pro Forma Cash Flow | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Cash Received | |||
Cash from Operations | |||
Cash Sales | $52,217 | $77,383 | $104,446 |
Subtotal Cash from Operations | $52,217 | $77,383 | $104,446 |
Additional Cash Received | |||
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Long-term Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Sales of Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Sales of Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Investment Received | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Subtotal Cash Received | $52,217 | $77,383 | $104,446 |
Expenditures | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Expenditures from Operations | |||
Cash Spending | $10,800 | $11,232 | $11,681 |
Bill Payments | $25,459 | $34,970 | $48,550 |
Subtotal Spent on Operations | $36,259 | $46,202 | $60,231 |
Additional Cash Spent | |||
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing | $10,500 | $10,500 | $10,500 |
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Purchase Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Purchase Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Dividends | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Subtotal Cash Spent | $46,759 | $56,702 | $70,731 |
Net Cash Flow | $5,458 | $20,681 | $33,715 |
Cash Balance | $15,458 | $36,139 | $69,854 |
7.6 Projected Balance Sheet
The balance sheet shows a slow but steady upward growth in net worth after initial start-up.
Pro Forma Balance Sheet | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Assets | |||
Current Assets | |||
Cash | $15,458 | $36,139 | $69,854 |
Inventory | $905 | $1,328 | $1,810 |
Other Current Assets | $675 | $675 | $675 |
Total Current Assets | $17,038 | $38,142 | $72,339 |
Long-term Assets | |||
Long-term Assets | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 |
Accumulated Depreciation | $400 | $800 | $1,200 |
Total Long-term Assets | $3,600 | $3,200 | $2,800 |
Total Assets | $20,638 | $41,342 | $75,139 |
Liabilities and Capital | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Current Liabilities | |||
Accounts Payable | $480 | $3,089 | $4,071 |
Current Borrowing | $31,510 | $21,010 | $10,510 |
Other Current Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Subtotal Current Liabilities | $31,990 | $24,099 | $14,581 |
Long-term Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Liabilities | $31,990 | $24,099 | $14,581 |
Paid-in Capital | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 |
Retained Earnings | ($36,010) | ($21,351) | $7,244 |
Earnings | $14,659 | $28,595 | $43,315 |
Total Capital | ($11,351) | $17,244 | $60,558 |
Total Liabilities and Capital | $20,638 | $41,342 | $75,139 |
Net Worth | ($11,351) | $17,244 | $60,558 |
7.7 Business Ratios
Standard business ratios are included in the table that follows. The ratios show a plan for balanced, healthy growth. The standard industry indicators shown are for SIC 5812, eating places.
Ratio Analysis | ||||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Industry Profile | |
Sales Growth | 0.00% | 48.20% | 34.97% | 7.60% |
Percent of Total Assets | ||||
Inventory | 4.39% | 3.21% | 2.41% | 3.60% |
Other Current Assets | 3.27% | 1.63% | 0.90% | 40.10% |
Total Current Assets | 82.56% | 92.26% | 96.27% | 43.70% |
Long-term Assets | 17.44% | 7.74% | 3.73% | 56.30% |
Total Assets | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% |
Current Liabilities | 155.00% | 58.29% | 19.41% | 32.70% |
Long-term Liabilities | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 28.50% |
Total Liabilities | 155.00% | 58.29% | 19.41% | 61.20% |
Net Worth | -55.00% | 41.71% | 80.59% | 38.80% |
Percent of Sales | ||||
Sales | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% |
Gross Margin | 76.80% | 77.03% | 76.80% | 60.50% |
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses | 48.73% | 40.08% | 35.33% | 39.80% |
Advertising Expenses | 0.77% | 0.52% | 0.38% | 3.20% |
Profit Before Interest and Taxes | 47.06% | 56.18% | 60.75% | 0.70% |
Main Ratios | ||||
Current | 0.53 | 1.58 | 4.96 | 0.98 |
Quick | 0.50 | 1.53 | 4.84 | 0.65 |
Total Debt to Total Assets | 155.00% | 58.29% | 19.41% | 61.20% |
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth | -184.48% | 236.90% | 102.18% | 1.70% |
Pre-tax Return on Assets | 101.47% | 98.81% | 82.35% | 4.30% |
Additional Ratios | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Net Profit Margin | 28.07% | 36.95% | 41.47% | n.a |
Return on Equity | 0.00% | 165.83% | 71.53% | n.a |
Activity Ratios | ||||
Inventory Turnover | 9.70 | 15.92 | 15.44 | n.a |
Accounts Payable Turnover | 54.09 | 12.17 | 12.17 | n.a |
Payment Days | 27 | 17 | 26 | n.a |
Total Asset Turnover | 2.53 | 1.87 | 1.39 | n.a |
Debt Ratios | ||||
Debt to Net Worth | 0.00 | 1.40 | 0.24 | n.a |
Current Liab. to Liab. | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | n.a |
Liquidity Ratios | ||||
Net Working Capital | ($14,951) | $14,044 | $57,758 | n.a |
Interest Coverage | 6.77 | 16.56 | 40.26 | n.a |
Additional Ratios | ||||
Assets to Sales | 0.40 | 0.53 | 0.72 | n.a |
Current Debt/Total Assets | 155% | 58% | 19% | n.a |
Acid Test | 0.50 | 1.53 | 4.84 | n.a |
Sales/Net Worth | 0.00 | 4.49 | 1.72 | n.a |
Dividend Payout | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | n.a |
Sales Forecast | |||||||||||||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | ||
Sales | |||||||||||||
Sales | 0% | $2,751 | $2,751 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $2,751 | $2,751 | $1,376 |
Other | 0% | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Sales | $2,751 | $2,751 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $2,751 | $2,751 | $1,376 | |
Direct Cost of Sales | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | |
Cost of Sales | $623 | $623 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $623 | $623 | $312 | |
Other | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales | $623 | $623 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $623 | $623 | $312 |
Personnel Plan | |||||||||||||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | ||
Assistant | 0% | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 |
Owner | 0% | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total People | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Total Payroll | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 |
Pro Forma Profit and Loss | |||||||||||||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | ||
Sales | $2,751 | $2,751 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $2,751 | $2,751 | $1,376 | |
Direct Cost of Sales | $623 | $623 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $623 | $623 | $312 | |
Other Costs of Sales | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Total Cost of Sales | $623 | $623 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $1,330 | $623 | $623 | $312 | |
Gross Margin | $2,128 | $2,128 | $4,361 | $4,361 | $4,361 | $4,361 | $4,361 | $4,361 | $4,361 | $2,128 | $2,128 | $1,064 | |
Gross Margin % | 77.35% | 77.35% | 76.63% | 76.63% | 76.63% | 76.63% | 76.63% | 76.63% | 76.63% | 77.35% | 77.35% | 77.33% | |
Expenses | |||||||||||||
Payroll | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | |
Marketing/Promotion | $180 | $180 | $105 | $105 | $105 | $105 | $105 | $105 | $105 | $105 | $105 | $105 | |
Depreciation | $37 | $33 | $33 | $33 | $33 | $33 | $33 | $33 | $33 | $33 | $33 | $33 | |
Utilities | $85 | $85 | $85 | $85 | $85 | $185 | $185 | $185 | $185 | $185 | $185 | $185 | |
Insurance | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 | |
Payroll Taxes | 23% | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Total Operating Expenses | $1,302 | $1,298 | $1,223 | $1,223 | $1,223 | $1,323 | $1,323 | $1,323 | $1,323 | $1,323 | $1,323 | $1,323 | |
Profit Before Interest and Taxes | $826 | $830 | $3,138 | $3,138 | $3,138 | $3,038 | $3,038 | $3,038 | $3,038 | $805 | $805 | ($259) | |
EBITDA | $863 | $863 | $3,171 | $3,171 | $3,171 | $3,071 | $3,071 | $3,071 | $3,071 | $838 | $838 | ($226) | |
Interest Expense | $343 | $336 | $328 | $321 | $314 | $306 | $299 | $292 | $284 | $277 | $270 | $263 | |
Taxes Incurred | $145 | $148 | $843 | $845 | $847 | $819 | $822 | $824 | $826 | $158 | $161 | ($156) | |
Net Profit | $338 | $346 | $1,967 | $1,972 | $1,977 | $1,912 | $1,917 | $1,922 | $1,927 | $369 | $375 | ($365) | |
Net Profit/Sales | 12.30% | 12.58% | 34.56% | 34.65% | 34.74% | 33.60% | 33.69% | 33.78% | 33.87% | 13.43% | 13.62% | -26.53% |
Pro Forma Cash Flow | |||||||||||||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | ||
Cash Received | |||||||||||||
Cash from Operations | |||||||||||||
Cash Sales | $2,751 | $2,751 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $2,751 | $2,751 | $1,376 | |
Subtotal Cash from Operations | $2,751 | $2,751 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $2,751 | $2,751 | $1,376 | |
Additional Cash Received | |||||||||||||
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received | 0.00% | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
New Long-term Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Sales of Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Sales of Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
New Investment Received | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Subtotal Cash Received | $2,751 | $2,751 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $5,691 | $2,751 | $2,751 | $1,376 | |
Expenditures | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | |
Expenditures from Operations | |||||||||||||
Cash Spending | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | $900 | |
Bill Payments | $28 | $886 | $1,893 | $3,162 | $2,786 | $2,783 | $2,846 | $2,841 | $2,835 | $2,764 | $859 | $1,776 | |
Subtotal Spent on Operations | $928 | $1,786 | $2,793 | $4,062 | $3,686 | $3,683 | $3,746 | $3,741 | $3,735 | $3,664 | $1,759 | $2,676 | |
Additional Cash Spent | |||||||||||||
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing | $875 | $875 | $875 | $875 | $875 | $875 | $875 | $875 | $875 | $875 | $875 | $875 | |
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Purchase Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Purchase Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Dividends | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Subtotal Cash Spent | $1,803 | $2,661 | $3,668 | $4,937 | $4,561 | $4,558 | $4,621 | $4,616 | $4,610 | $4,539 | $2,634 | $3,551 | |
Net Cash Flow | $948 | $90 | $2,023 | $754 | $1,130 | $1,133 | $1,070 | $1,075 | $1,081 | ($1,788) | $117 | ($2,175) | |
Cash Balance | $10,948 | $11,038 | $13,061 | $13,814 | $14,945 | $16,077 | $17,148 | $18,223 | $19,304 | $17,516 | $17,633 | $15,458 |
Pro Forma Balance Sheet | |||||||||||||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | ||
Assets | Starting Balances | ||||||||||||
Current Assets | |||||||||||||
Cash | $10,000 | $10,948 | $11,038 | $13,061 | $13,814 | $14,945 | $16,077 | $17,148 | $18,223 | $19,304 | $17,516 | $17,633 | $15,458 |
Inventory | $1,325 | $702 | $1,079 | $1,463 | $1,463 | $1,463 | $1,463 | $1,463 | $1,463 | $1,463 | $840 | $1,217 | $905 |
Other Current Assets | $675 | $675 | $675 | $675 | $675 | $675 | $675 | $675 | $675 | $675 | $675 | $675 | $675 |
Total Current Assets | $12,000 | $12,325 | $12,792 | $15,199 | $15,952 | $17,083 | $18,215 | $19,286 | $20,361 | $21,442 | $19,031 | $19,525 | $17,038 |
Long-term Assets | |||||||||||||
Long-term Assets | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 | $4,000 |
Accumulated Depreciation | $0 | $37 | $70 | $103 | $136 | $169 | $202 | $235 | $268 | $301 | $334 | $367 | $400 |
Total Long-term Assets | $4,000 | $3,963 | $3,930 | $3,897 | $3,864 | $3,831 | $3,798 | $3,765 | $3,732 | $3,699 | $3,666 | $3,633 | $3,600 |
Total Assets | $16,000 | $16,288 | $16,722 | $19,096 | $19,816 | $20,914 | $22,013 | $23,051 | $24,093 | $25,141 | $22,697 | $23,158 | $20,638 |
Liabilities and Capital | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | |
Current Liabilities | |||||||||||||
Accounts Payable | $0 | $824 | $1,787 | $3,069 | $2,693 | $2,688 | $2,751 | $2,746 | $2,741 | $2,736 | $798 | $1,760 | $480 |
Current Borrowing | $42,010 | $41,135 | $40,260 | $39,385 | $38,510 | $37,635 | $36,760 | $35,885 | $35,010 | $34,135 | $33,260 | $32,385 | $31,510 |
Other Current Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Subtotal Current Liabilities | $42,010 | $41,959 | $42,047 | $42,454 | $41,203 | $40,323 | $39,511 | $38,631 | $37,751 | $36,871 | $34,058 | $34,145 | $31,990 |
Long-term Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Liabilities | $42,010 | $41,959 | $42,047 | $42,454 | $41,203 | $40,323 | $39,511 | $38,631 | $37,751 | $36,871 | $34,058 | $34,145 | $31,990 |
Paid-in Capital | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 |
Retained Earnings | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) | ($36,010) |
Earnings | $0 | $338 | $684 | $2,651 | $4,623 | $6,600 | $8,512 | $10,430 | $12,352 | $14,280 | $14,649 | $15,024 | $14,659 |
Total Capital | ($26,010) | ($25,672) | ($25,326) | ($23,359) | ($21,387) | ($19,410) | ($17,498) | ($15,580) | ($13,658) | ($11,730) | ($11,361) | ($10,986) | ($11,351) |
Total Liabilities and Capital | $16,000 | $16,288 | $16,722 | $19,096 | $19,816 | $20,914 | $22,013 | $23,051 | $24,093 | $25,141 | $22,697 | $23,158 | $20,638 |
Net Worth | ($26,010) | ($25,672) | ($25,326) | ($23,359) | ($21,387) | ($19,410) | ($17,498) | ($15,580) | ($13,658) | ($11,730) | ($11,361) | ($10,986) | ($11,351) |