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Life Coaching Business Plan

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SummitRise Coaching

Value Proposition

SummitRise Coaching helps mid-career professionals find their purpose and navigate career transitions. Our tailored coaching programs provide the insights, confidence, and strategies to transform your life and open doors to new experiences.

The Problem

Mid-career professionals often feel unfulfilled or stuck but lack support to make a successful life transition. 

The Solution

SummitRise Coaching empowers mid-career professionals to navigate life transitions through customized guidance. Our tailored programs help clients discover purpose, build confidence, overcome obstacles, and reinvent their lives in a fulfilling new direction.

Target Market

  • Mid-career professionals, ages 30-50, earning $75K-$200K seeking life transition support. 5M prospects spending $3K-$10K/year.
  • Executives and managers interested in leadership and work-life balance. 3M prospects earning $125K-$300K, spending $5K-$15K/year.  
  • Entrepreneurs starting or advancing businesses. 500K prospects earning $75K-$150K, spending $2K-$7K/year.
  • Couples navigating life or relationship transitions together. 2M prospects with $100K-$250K combined income, spending $5K-$12K/year.

Competitors & Differentiation

Current Alternatives

  • Traditional counseling: Provides mental health benefits but lacks life transition support. SummitRise offers tailored strategies and accountability.
  • Outplacement firms: Focused on job search, not purpose reinvention. Generic, not customized services. SummitRise provides personalized solutions based on individual goals.
  • Free/low-cost life coaching: Impact may be limited. Fewer credentialed coaches and services. SummitRise has certified, experienced coaches and high-touch programs.
  • Online courses: Impersonal with little motivation or accountability. SummitRise combines digital learning with dedicated coach guidance focused on clients’ unique situations. Superior experience.

Why Us

SummitRise Coaching stands apart through customized solutions and support for purposeful life reinvention.

  • Certified, experienced coaches with proven success guiding life transitions.
  • Personalized programs tailored to individual needs and goals.
  • Practical strategies and accountability for sustainable change.
  • Ongoing partnership through challenges and wins.


Our caring professionals provide guidance and motivation customized to your priorities so you can gain clarity, build confidence, and forge a fulfilling new direction.

Funding Needs

Here are funding needs, sales channels, marketing activities, financial projections, and milestones for SummitRise Coaching:

  • $10,000 for website, marketing materials, certification and training
  • $5,000 buffer for unforeseen initial costs   


Sales Channels  

  • Website and email newsletter  
  • Referral partners like therapists, career counselors, and mentors  
  • Media exposure and contributions to build authority  
  • Networking and live events  


Marketing Activities  

  • Search engine optimization for website  
  • Paid media (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn) targeting personas
  • Blog posts and email newsletter to share advice and resources  
  • Organic social media profiles and engagement, especially LinkedIn  
  • Public speaking at live and virtual events   
  • Strategic partnerships and networking  


Financial Projections  

With a focus on gaining initial clients through our proven introductory  offer and word-of-mouth referrals, SummitRise Coaching anticipates:



2022 $99,000       

2023 $138,873            

2024 $170,858



2022 $74,400 

2023 $103,400   

2024 $130,000



2022 $24,600                 

2023 $35,473               

2024 $40,858  


  • Earn life coaching certification (3 months)  
  • Build company website (2 months)           
  • Create marketing materials and brand identity (1 month)   
  • Set up business legal structure and insurance (1 month)
  • Define services and coaching program offerings (1 month)  
  • Build email list and following on social media (6 months)  
  • Continuously network, search for strategic partners (ongoing) 
  • Gain first private coaching clients (4-6 months)                
  • Run initial 6-week group program (8 months)         
  • Line up speaking engagements and media interviews (10 months)   
  • Reassess, gain feedback and adjust programs/offerings (12 months)       
  • Meet with a business advisor to plan growth (18 months) 
  • Consider bringing on additional coach(es) or admin support (24 months)     
  • Review progress and set next 3-year business goals (24 months)