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Corporate Retreat Professionals

Executive Summary



Companies need to make sure their employees have the best training and tools available.  They use the retreats to help colleagues get together and work well together which helps avoid turnover. Happy coworkers mean happy customers


The Corporate Retreat Professionals (CRP) is an event planning company specializing in corporate customers.  CRP will offer two types of services, retreat training services as well as product launch event planning.  The retreat training services will be either leadership development training or teaming skills training.  For both types of retreats, CRP can take care of the planning of the event, as well as actually hosting the training through the use of one of CRP’s strategic business partners.


The corporate market for event planning is steady and profitable.  For some large companies, economic downturns mean cuts in training. This is, however, only the case for short sighted companies.  The benchmark companies may trim down the workforce during a downturn, but they do not cut funds for training.  They recognize that investing in human resources is always a good investment.  CRP intends to profit nicely from this.  Additionally, even in economic downturns, companies still have product launches and will still need someone to organize these events.  In short, the need for corporate event planning/hosting services rarely diminishes, it is a steadily increasing demand that CRP will capitalize on.


In the past, the buying patterns for the larger corporations was in the past to have an in-house solution. This pattern is is disappearing in favor of outsourcing as there is the constant drive for gains in efficiency, something outsourcing can offer.

Why Us?

Corporate Retreat Professionals will provide companies with the highest level of event planning.  We exist to attract and maintain customers.  When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place.  Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.


Financial Highlights by Year

Chart visualizing the data for Financial Highlights by Year

Financing Needed

We will be getting $50,000 from the owner and founder of the company. 


Problem & Solution

Problem Worth Solving

Companies need to make sure their employees have the best training and tools available.  They use the retreats to help colleagues get together and work well together which helps avoid turnover. Happy coworkers mean happy customers

Our Solution

Corporate Retreat Professionals will provide companies with the highest level of event planning.  We exist to attract and maintain customers.  When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place.  Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

Target Market

Market Size & Segments

CRP will serve the corporate customer in the event planning market.  CRP will be specializing in two important niches.  The first is leadership development and teaming skills development.  With the recent trend in corporate downsizing, corporations are ditching their in-house solutions in favor of outsourcing.  Even though we are in the midst of an economic downturn, investments in human capital are generally not reduced.  Corporations still have the need for leadership development and teaming skills development.  These are investments that cost a bit up front but pay nice returns in the long run.  These are the services that CRP will specialize in.

Additionally, CRP will offer event planning for product launches.  Product launches are an integral stage in the release of a new product, communicating to the public about the new "thing" the company has just released.  Our customers will be companies seeking to raise awareness about their new product release.  CRP will provide a complete service of planning and hosting these product release events.

4.1 Market Segmentation

CRP is providing services to corporate customers only.  We will not be going after the "social market" which is an alternative market within the event planning niche. 

The corporate customer is a company that contracts with CRP to plan and typically host an event for the company.  Corporations will be turning to CRP to plan the events because:

  1. It is cost effective for a third party to plan the event.  This is the case because the third party only does event planning so they can plan and host the event more efficiently.
  2. The company does not have additional people that can be taken away from their daily tasks to invest time in this infrequent event.

Our event planning services for corporate retreats will typically be utilized by larger corporations.  A larger company can be generally defined as one with more than 40 employees.  Smaller companies sometimes will utilize this service of ours, however, it is the larger corporations that typically have the budget for this activity.

For our product launch event planning, we will be servicing companies of all different sizes.  Typically the companies that use this service will be product based companies, but we will also offer this service to service-based companies who desire to announce a new service that they are offering.

CRP is targeting large companies for our corporate retreat event planning.  The large corporations typically have the budget and the foresight to recognize the value in corporate retreats.  In addition, it is the larger corporations that typically use the corporate retreat as a training session for their employees.  The training is typically in leadership development or teaming skills.  While they do have these retreats at different intervals through the year,  it is more cost effective for them to hire a service such as CRP to plan the events when needed instead of paying the carrying costs of having a full-time, trained employee ready to do the planning when it is needed.

CRP’s product release planning services will be targeted at all different size companies.  Companies of all sizes have product release and it is unusual for them to have product release many times a year requiring someone to be a full-time planner on staff.  Therefore, it makes sense for them to hire an outside service to plan the event using their expertise in event planning to drive down the costs of production and hosting.


Current Alternatives

Currently there are three other companies that offer event planning specifically to corporations. They however, tend to do events that are more general in scope such as parties to reward customers or employees, or events to change the company image. There is no company that specializes in event planning of corporate training and product release events. There are companies that offer corporate training, but these companies provide the actual training and do not do any of the actual event planning/ logistics of the entire event.

There are companies that provide product-release services, but they do not specialize in it. Because event planning is a tight market, CRP will benefit from their specialization in this area.

Our Advantages

CRP’s competitive edge will be based on two factors, specialization and strategic relationships. CRP will be specializing in two distinct areas of corporate planning. While specializing essentially precludes CRP out of a lot of different markets, it allows CRP to excel in the markets that it has chosen to participate in. Specialization allows CRP to be an expert in the two areas that it is in. Additionally, the expert knowledge allows CRP to provide the service as a cost saving to the company because the fewer services CRP offers, the more they can concentrate on improving the current offerings. Improvements that CRP strive for is a reduction in cost charged to the client and an improvement to the level of services offered.

CRP’s second competitive edge is based on the use of strategic relationships. CRP clearly realizes that they cannot be good at everything. CRP believes it is better to concentrate on a few things, excel in those areas, and form strategic partnerships with companies that excel in the service areas that CRP doesn’t. Applying this philosophy, CRP has decided in addition to planning corporate retreat training sessions, they want to offer the service of hosting/leading these events as well. The service of hosting/leading however, is quite different than planning and CRP believes that it would be more cost effective to form a strategic relationship with an expert in this field instead of trying to become proficient themselves. CRP then is able to offer a top-notch service offering of hosting/leading the training seminars but does not have to invest heavily in developing the program.

The use of strategic relationships is unusual in the event planning space. Most event planners are generalists and try to do a little of everything. CRP is following the model of benchmark companies in other industries that have recognized the value of specialization and the use of strategic relationships.

Keys to Success

Keys to Success

Our keys to Success are: 

  • Create a service-based company whose #1 value is exceeding customer’s expectations.
  • Utilize of CRP’s services in 10 of the 100 top performing companies as listed by the Seattle Business Journal.
  • Increase our number of served clients by 20% per year through superior service.
  • Develop a sustainable, profitable start-up business.


Marketing & Sales

Marketing Plan

CRP is targeting large companies for our corporate retreat event planning.  The large corporations typically have the budget and the foresight to recognize the value in corporate retreats.  In addition, it is the larger corporations that typically use the corporate retreat as a training session for their employees.  The training is typically in leadership development or teaming skills.  While they do have these retreats at different intervals through the year,  it is more cost effective for them to hire a service such as CRP to plan the events when needed instead of paying the carrying costs of having a full-time, trained employee ready to do the planning when it is needed.

CRP’s product release planning services will be targeted at all different size companies.  Companies of all sizes have product release and it is unusual for them to have product release many times a year requiring someone to be a full-time planner on staff.  Therefore, it makes sense for them to hire an outside service to plan the event using their expertise in event planning to drive down the costs of production and hosting.


Sales Plan

CRP will, for the most part, be using the sale strategy of personal selling. With his five years of consulting for larger corporations, Jeff has formed relationships throughout the business community. Jeff will initially leverage these relationships to form some initial clients. Once things get rolling and CRP has developed some satisfied clients, Jeff will be developing relationships with his network of friends developed through the Chambers of Commerce and trade shows.

Jeff’s spiel to prospective customers will be based on the high level of service offered and cost advantages by going with CRP. The cost savings can be quantified and shown to the customer while the higher level of service can be guaranteed as well as communicated through testimonials from satisfied clients.

Additionally, the website will be used not only to communicate information to prospective customers but also a method of communication where CRP can provide more specialized information such as cost estimates as well as answering questions through the site.



CRP will offer event planning for the corporate market.  CRP will concentrate on two types of event planning:

  1. Corporate retreats– These events are typically used for two different reasons.  They are either a leadership training or teaming skills training where employees of the corporations are sent away to develop these skills.  In addition to the planning of the events, CRP will be able to host the event as well.  While CRP’s core competencies are not in hosting, CRP will align itself with a well-respected host of leadership development/teaming skills programs and have them assist CRP in the hosting aspect.  Using a strategic partner, in this case, allows CRP to stick with a narrow focus but still offer the service to our customers.
  2. Product launches– These are events where the corporation is releasing a product and they have an event that is open to people outside of the corporation.  The purpose of the product launch event is to create visibility for the new release. 

Milestones & Metrics

Milestones Table

Milestone Due Date
Q1 Review
Mar 08, 2018
Q2 Review
June 08, 2018
Q3 Review
Sept 13, 2018
Q4 Review
Dec 08, 2018

Key Metrics

Our Key Metrics are: 

  • # of monthly customers, we would like to slowly increase our monthly customers 
  • #of return customers 
  • # of reviews and recommendations 
  • food and drink inventory turnover
  • each even cost of goods 
  • cost of training our staff 
  • # of events and of rooms occupied to break even 



Ownership & Structure

CRP is a Washington corporation whose sole stock holder is Jeff Organizer. Jeff will be incorporating to protect himself from personal liability.


Management Team

Jeff Organizer, Founder and President, has a degree in Business from the University of Washington. After college, Jeff spent five years working for Andersen Consulting. During these years, Jeff became familiar with a large number of companies and the important players in the Seattle business community. While working for Andersen, Jeff attended an MBA night program and received his MBA in 1996.

After completing his degree, Jeff decided to join Boeing in their PR department. It was at Boeing where Jeff learned the bulk of his organizing and event planning skills. These skills, in conjunction with his MBA education, gave Jeff the confidence to handle a wide range of business propositions. After three years at Boeing, Jeff decided to start his own business. Corporate Retreat Professionals was finally born

Personnel Table

2018 2019 2020
HouseKeeping (2.67) $72,000 $108,000 $108,000
Kitchen (2.67) $76,800 $115,200 $115,200
Manager / Activities Coordinator (Jeff) $43,200 $44,064 $44,945
Account Manager $40,800 $41,616 $42,448

Financial Plan


Key Assumptions

Our key assumptions are: 

  • Personnel are the difference between customers choosing one company over the other, training is key 
  • happy bonded coworkers mean longer hours and better products 
  • there are a set number of events we need to breakeven. more will make us a profit. 

Revenue by Month

Chart visualizing the data for Revenue by Month

Expenses by Month

Chart visualizing the data for Expenses by Month

Net Profit (or Loss) by Year

Chart visualizing the data for Net Profit (or Loss) by Year


Use of Funds

Start-up Expenses

Legal 1,000

Stationery etc. $300

Brochures $300

Consultants $300

Insurance $200

Rent $1,000

Office equipment $300



In addition we will be having $5,000 of long term assets.  The remainder of the $50,000 will be used as cash to help fund the operations. 

Sources of Funds

We will be getting $50,000 from the owner. 


Projected Profit & Loss

2018 2019 2020
Gross Margin $678,300 $868,000 $948,500
Operating Expenses
Salaries & Wages $232,800 $308,880 $310,593
Employee Related Expenses $46,560 $61,776 $62,119
Rent $30,000 $30,000 $30,000
Marketing expenses $48,450 $62,000 $67,750
Interest Incurred $1,526 $357 $96
Depreciation and Amortization $1,250 $1,250 $1,250
Gain or Loss from Sale of Assets
Income Taxes $47,657 $60,561 $71,503
Total Expenses $698,943 $896,824 $949,811
Net Profit $270,057 $343,176 $405,189

Projected Balance Sheet

Starting Balances 2018 2019 2020
Cash $41,600 $224,158 $537,029 $928,803
Accounts Receivable $182,000 $206,667 $225,834
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets $41,600 $406,158 $743,696 $1,154,637
Long-Term Assets $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Accumulated Depreciation ($1,250) ($2,500) ($3,750)
Total Long-Term Assets $5,000 $3,750 $2,500 $1,250
Accounts Payable $14,200 $19,333 $21,010
Income Taxes Payable $17,525 $15,147 $17,875
Sales Taxes Payable $0 $0 $0
Short-Term Debt $0 $11,526 $1,883 $1,979
Prepaid Revenue
Total Current Liabilities $0 $43,251 $36,363 $40,865
Long-Term Debt
Long-Term Liabilities
Paid-In Capital $50,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
Retained Earnings ($3,400) ($3,400) $266,657 $609,833
Earnings $270,057 $343,176 $405,189

Projected Cash Flow Statement

2018 2019 2020
Net Cash Flow from Operations
Net Profit $270,057 $343,176 $405,189
Depreciation & Amortization $1,250 $1,250 $1,250
Change in Accounts Receivable ($182,000) ($24,667) ($19,167)
Change in Inventory
Change in Accounts Payable $14,200 $5,133 $1,677
Change in Income Tax Payable $17,525 ($2,378) $2,728
Change in Sales Tax Payable $0 $0 $0
Change in Prepaid Revenue
Investing & Financing
Assets Purchased or Sold
Investments Received $50,000
Dividends & Distributions
Change in Short-Term Debt $11,526 ($9,643) $96
Change in Long-Term Debt
Cash at Beginning of Period $41,600 $224,158 $537,029
Net Change in Cash $182,558 $312,871 $391,773